Have you ever forgotten about a carton of eggs that you had stored away in your pantry? No? Then you brain is certainly better than mine because I have. Since I hate waste, I decided to pickle those eggs for a later date as pickled eggs are a lovely little snack.
1 dozen eggs, hard boiled
1 litre of apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp pickling spice
You can add sugar to taste if you find the vinegar too sour. I personally don't add sugar.
Boil the eggs for 10-15 minutes and let cool before peeling them.
Bring the vinegar to a boil and add the pickling spice. Let cool.
Once the eggs are peeled add them to a large jar and top with the vinegar.
Let cool and put the jar into the fridge.
That's it, it's that simple.
Leave the eggs to stand for 2-4 weeks.