I am Vildsyster. Hello! 😊

I consciously began living a Pagan life in 1994 and over the years, I dipped my toes in many different paths until I found my feet on the path of Hearthcraft.

What is Hearthcraft? Hearthcraft is the spiritual path of those who believe that spirituality begins at home as the home is the spiritual centre and the essential element within our practice. Hearthcraft is a simple, practical, domestic and family-oriented craft that does without uncomplicated practice and rituals and instead works with intent using what you can find in and around home and garden.

I hope you enjoy the snippets of my life which could potentially cover witchcraft, spiritual development, gardening, recipes, foraging, crafting, sewing, photography, travelling, the occasional philosophical blurb and even cultural anthropology. Make yourself comfortable while I get the kettle on 💚.