28 Aug

Today I asked a lady to pull a card for me, just randomly on one of her Crazy Sexy Friday live videos on Facebook. I would have loved to see her and the other crazy ladies for a morning cuppa instead but all is online these days, isn't it? We make the best with what the universe throws at us, right?

My card was from the Crazy Sexy Love Notes deck by Kris Carr. Super cute cards and the reason why I am sharing this, is that the card left an impression with me as it reflects completely what I am struggling with at this point in time. My card was: You can't please everyone.

The card reads:
When you're focused on living up to other people's standards, you aren't spending enough time raising your own. Some folks expect you to act a certain way and march to the beat of their boring drum. They find safety in sameness but you have beautiful music inside you. Your flair is meant to be shared. Don't shrink to fit in or get approval. Instead, dump your need to please and just be your magnificent self. 

My friend's interpretation was as follows:
What I am getting from this, (my real name here), is that you might be stopping yourself from going forward with something because you're comparing yourself to other people. So you're thinking 'this is what  people want' and 'that's what this person's doing' and 'that is what that person's doing' and 'that is what they're doing' and 'how do I do something similar' to all of that. Whey, actually what you need to do is what's right for you and what feels like the right way for you to move forward. And to just be, and be your authentic self and just totally revel in it. Because you're beautiful and you're meant to be you. You're not meant to be anybody else. And you're not meant to please everybody else. You never ever can. Ever. 

This card as well as the interpretation reflects perfectly what I am dealing with at the moment. I feel like I am bubbling over with creative ideas, things I want to do, things I want to learn, things I want to wear, things I want to do. But instead of just jump in and do what I feel is right, do what I feel would actually bring me forward, I look out for people who potentially do something similar and then I start comparing myself to them. And I as I am the greatest overthinking between here and the end of the universe, I start to doubt myself and don't bother at all.

This "do what you feel is right for yourself" has been an incredibly present theme over the last three months, and I am coming to terms with the fact that I can no longer ignore what the universe is trying to tell me.

So if you see me do stuff that I have never done, if you see me acting "out of character", then leave me be. I am finding my character and it might not be what people are used to. It will be better, happier, more adventurous, a little bit crazy I am sure... either way it will be what I feel is right.

With the blessings of the ancestors,

Image copyright with Kris Carr.
Cards available via her website: Kris Carr

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