26 Jul

A while ago, I saw a meme on Facebook stating that no! you don't need another empty jar. And I realised fairly quickly that I have magpie tendencies. Ever since I started to actively practise witchcraft instead of living it "in theory" I feel the need to keep jars and little pots, and whatever else I consider useful. Not only for spells, but for day-to-day work.  

I am currently sitting here, looking at two empty fruit pots. You know the ones that you put in your kids' lunch boxes so they get at least some fruit into their system? Those. Why have I kept them? Well, my magpie mind decided that it would be a really good idea to use them as mini plant pots in the garden. Put some holes in the bottom for drainage, maybe even paint them nicely and there you go. Saves money and two plastic pots won't go in the landfill.

So why in the name of all things collectable are they sitting here on my desk, like a stern reminder of an idea that seemed good at the time? I have plenty reminders of good ideas. Jars in all shapes and sizes. Little bags that I will definitely use again. Bones, twigs, shells, you name it! And to top it off a husband who just smiles and shakes his head in regular intervals when he sees his wife walk into the kitchen, carrying yet another new treasure that would be really useful for [... insert random idea here].

It is calming to know, though, that looking at Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok and other social media sites that I am not alone with my "magpie syndrome" as I shall call it from now on. Somebody has probably already named it that but I'll just pretend for a moment that I was being clever. I see lots and lots of fellow witches collecting items. Items that they might find useful for future use. Items that likely end up in a box or on a shelf waiting for us to get them out to finally give them the life that we had dreamed up for them.

Are you a fellow magpie? Do you have anything sitting in a box or on a shelf that you kept for a specific purpose and "just haven't got around to using yet?"

And what is the strangest item that is waiting for a new purpose? Let me know, I'd love to hear it!

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