08 Jan

Initially, I told myself that for 2021 I will be a better blogger and write something every day. Eight days into the new year and it is obvious how well this panned out. So let's not pretend that I am a good or a reliable blogger... I don't even try.

So what are my plans for 2021?

To be honest, I did not make any specific plans as such. Normally I'd know by now where I will go on holiday - the fact is I have not even put any holidays in yet. I know one date for a trip to London to see a band with the better half. It's in November, still, we made sure that we have a full refund in case we can't go due to Covid. I would love to see my family in Germany and go to Scotland for a week, but again we have not booked anything. Times are uncertain and require spontaneity and more than anything they require patience.

But holiday plans are not the only plans you can make, are they?

We will test our muddy grey... I mean.. green.. thumbs this year and see if we can get anything to grow in this garden of ours. I should have sown out the tomatoes indoors two days ago. It's going well already, isn't it 🤣? In my defence, all my plant pots are hidden under inches of snow! We are planning to grow some tomatoes, turnip, maybe carrots, chilis... I can't even remember what else. I have a list downstairs that I will go through on the weekend to ensure that we have everything we need.

I will continue the Ovate grade and maybe even graduate. But this is not really a goal as you can't really predict how a journey like this goes, how long it takes etc. Look at my Bardic grade endeavours. The OBOD says the grade takes about a year to complete and it took me 12 years. Because sometimes life happens when you have other plans. I am planning to do my Reiki 2 certificate, lockdown permitting. I have a Sound Therapy course planned and I want to incorporate an Aromatherapy course into my work. Everything seems to be lockdown permitting these days and that is okay. I rather wait another year and spend it with my nose in books than have this virus ravage our society further. And until we are allowed to roam freely again, I am afraid the better half has to stand in as guinea pig. Not that he minds 😉.

And then there is this long list of hobbies... should I drop some of them, should I not? Some of them I think are no longer for me, and at the same time, I have ideas for new ones. Ideas unfortunately do not equal space, so decisions have to be made 🤔.

But you know what? The biggest plan for 2021 is a simple one: be happy. Be happy will be my overall goal for 2021. Take every day as it comes, deal with every day individually. Consider if something is really important enough to get angry about or to worry over. And if the Old Ones are in our favour (and most importantly if society is reasonable) then this virus will hopefully be dealt with soon, and we see each other again. Until then, I am sending you all hugs and kisses over the air 💚.

Vildsyster /|\ 

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